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z 8º ano Minicurso Grátis

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  1. Ciências 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
  2. Geografia 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
  3. História 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
  4. Língua Inglesa 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
  5. Língua Portuguesa 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
  6. Matemática 8º ano
    3 Aulas
    3 Exercícios
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Module 1- 8th grade_

Lesson I_Formal and Informal Language_Discourse markers

Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers. 1

Discourse markers

(Marcadores discursivos)

Discourse markers are words and phrases used in speaking and writing to ‘signpost’ discourse.

Discourse markers do this by showing turns, joining ideas together, showing attitude, and

generally controlling communication. Some people regard discourse markers as a feature

of spoken language only.


Words like ‘actually’,so’, ‘OK’, ‘right?’ and ‘anyway’ all function as discourse markers as they help the speaker to manage the conversation and mark when it changes.

In the classroom

Discourse markers are an important feature of both formal and informal native speaker language. The skilful use of discourse markers often indicates a higher level of fluency and an ability to produce and understand authentic language.

Some informal and spoken discourse markers and formal and written discourse markers

Discourse markers, or linking words, are words or expressions that link, manage and help to organise sentences. They don’t change the sentence meaning. Take a look at some examples:

Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers. 2

More examples:

Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers. 3
Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers. 4

Happy Studying, everybody!!


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