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z 7º ano Minicurso Grátis

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  1. Ciências 7º ano
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    3 Exercícios
  2. Geografia 7º ano
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    3 Exercícios
  3. História 7º ano
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  4. Língua Inglesa 7º ano
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    3 Exercícios
  6. Matemática 7º ano
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    3 Exercícios
Módulo 4, Aula 2

Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes

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Module 1 – Seventh grade (7th grade) – Lesson 2 Giving/understanding directions; cooking recipes

Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 1

Hello, students!! How are you?

Nesta aula, vocês aprenderão a dar instruções em relação à direção/sentido, passando a compreendê-las também. Além disso, veremos alguns modelos de receitas em inglês. Esta aula será delicious. Enjoy it!!
Let’s go, everyone!!

Module 1 – Seventh grade (7th grade) – Lesson 2

Giving/understanding directions; cooking recipes

Part I: Giving/understanding directions

First of all, you need to know some basic vocabulary. The most important words and phrases are:

Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 2
Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 3

Giving directions
Here are some common phrases you can use:
        Go past the cinema. (Pass the cinema.)
        Go along this road.
        Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don’t turn.)
        Go through the tunnel.
        At the roundabout, take the first exit.
        Turn left at the crossroads.
        Take the second right.
        It’s on your left.
        You’ll see it in front of you.
        It’s on the other side of the road.
        You’re going the wrong way.

Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 4

Part II: Cooking recipes

Do you like to cook? I do.

Let’s learn a recipe in English?

Basic Vocabulary

Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 5
Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 6
Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 7
Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes 8


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